Game Cheats N - Z Quake III Arena Various console codes Hit the tilde (~) key and type "/spdevmap (map name of current game)" (i.e., /devmap q3dm17). Then, while you are playing, type the following codes for the corresponding results: /give all -- all weapons /god -- toggles god mode /noclip -- no clipping mode /give quad damage -- gives you quad damage /give flight -- gives you the ability to fly /give invisibility -- makes you invisible /give speed -- makes you faster /iamacheater -- all levels unlocked at skill 1 /iamamonkey -- all levels unlocked at skill 100 /give battle suit -- invincibility against lava, drowning, and acid /give mega health -- 100 health over the limit /cg_thirdperson 1-- third-person view Item codes Type in the console code "/give (item name)" and use the following item names to acquire them (i.e., /give shotgun): all gauntlet lightning gun railgun ammo grappling hook machinegun regeneration armor grenade launcher medkit rocket launcher battle suit haste personal teleporter shotgun bfg10k health plasma gun flight invisibility quad damage Requiem: Avenging Angel Cheat Mode: First display the console window by pressing Enter, then input one of the codes below to activate the following cheat functions. Enable cheat keys - csmilton Medlab pass - csstigmata Medlab pass - csitems Full armor and health - csshroud Full health - cshealth Items - csrosary Ammunition - csammo All guns - csguns God mode - csyhwh Re-volt Enter TRACKER as your name at the name screen. Get all cars Enter CARNIVAL as your name at the name screen. Small cars Enter DRINKME as your name at the name screen. Same cars in multi-player mode Enter JOKER as your name at the name screen. UFO car Enter URCO as your name at the name screen. All weapons Enter SADIST as your name at the name screen. Use the right shift key for weapon select. Alternate view Enter TVTIME as your name at the name screen. Press F5 or F6 for alternate views. Fly through things Enter MAKEITGOOD as your name at the name screen. Press F6 once for no clipping, twice for flight mode Rune Access cheat mode There are two ways to enable cheats: you can either bind some keys before you play the game, or you can access the game's system console during gameplay. To bind the keys, open your game's program folder and find the system folder. Now locate your user.ini file, and open it using either wordpad or notepad. Next, find an open letter like "K=". After the "=" type CheatPlease (it should like this: K=CheatPlease). On the line "G=" type God after the "=" sign (G=God). Close the user.ini file, and enter your game. Start the game, and while you are playing, you can now hit the K key to enable the cheat mode, or hit the G key to enable god mode. You can hit the same keys again to disable the cheats. Otherwise, instead of editing your user.ini file you can hit the Tab key during gameplay to access the game's system console. Type "CheatPlease" in the console space that opens on your screen. This will enable the cheat mode as well. Now you can access the console at any time during the game. To enable certain cheats, type in the codes below: God -- god mode Ghost -- no-clipping mode Walk -- disable no-clipping mode Summon items During the game, hit Tab to access the console. Then type Summon [item name]. For
example: Summon VikingShortSword. Type the code for the corresponding items: VikingShortSword -- Viking short sword GoblinBoneClub -- goblin bone club RomanSword -- Roman sword TrialPitMace -- trial pit mace VikingBroadSword -- Viking broadsword DwarfWorkHammer -- dwarven work hammer DwarfWorkSword -- dwarven work sword DwarfBattleHammer -- dwarven battle hammer DwarfBattleSword -- dwarven battle sword RuneofPower -- rune power HandAxe -- hand axe RuneofHealth -- health GoblinAxe -- goblin axe DarkShield -- dark shield VikingAxe -- viking axe Vikingshield -- Viking shield SigurdAxe -- Sigurd's axe Goblinshield -- goblin shield DwarfBattleAxe -- dwarven battle axe Dwarfshield -- dwarven shield RustyMace -- rusty mace Sanity: Aiken's Artifact Press enter during gameplay and type the corresponding code at the prompt for the
cheat functions listed below: God mode -- mptedthehead (note: you can still die by falling when in god mode) Unlock all single-player levels -- mpshipit Restore health and sanity -- mpjuiceme (note: you will lose many special talents when activating this cheat) Seven Kingdoms 2: The Fryhtan Wars During gameplay, type !!##%%&&. If the code was entered correctly, the line cheat
codes enabled will pop onto the screen. Now you may enter any of the codes listed
below. All technology available --- [Ctrl] + T Full map --- [Ctrl] + M Add 10 to population of selected town --- [Ctrl] + [Semicolon] Full seat of power --- [Ctrl] + [Plus] Subtract 1000 food --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + C Toggle ai information --- [Ctrl] + D Add 1000 food --- [Ctrl] + \ Toggle debug messages --- [Ctrl] + A Subtract 1000 treasure --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + X Toggle invincible king --- [Ctrl] + U Add 1000 treasure --- [Ctrl] + C Set economic score to 0 --- [Ctrl] + J Subtract 10 reputation --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + E Fast construction --- [Ctrl] + Z Subtract 20 damage to selected building --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + K Add 10 reputation --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + R Add 20 damage to selected building --- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + J StarCraft To gain access to these cheats hit ENTER, TYPE IN THE CHEAT, and then hit ENTER once
again. After you complete these steps the cheat should then be enabled. Power overwhelming - God Mode Show me the money - Gives you 10,000 gas and 10,000 crystal Operation CWAL - Speeds construction of buildings and units The Gathering - Gives unlimited energy to all casting units Game over man - Ends your game as a loss Staying Alive - Prevents the mission from ending due to victory or defeat There is no cow level - Completes the current mission Whats mine is mine - Free minerals Breathe deep - Free Vespene Gas Something for nothing - Gives all upgrades Black Sheep Wall - Shows entire map Medieval man - Free upgrades to units Modify the phase variance - Ability to build all buildings War aint what it used to be - Disables fog of war Food for thought - Ability to build units beyond the support limit Ophelia - Enter this to enable level skipping cheat. Then enter the mission you want to skip to (that is, "terran10") to go there. Power Overwhelming - Can't be beaten. Show Me The Money - 10000 in ore and gas. If you click animals 13-14 times they should explode like nukes. StarCraft: Brood War Build over supply limit as Protoss or Zerg To build over the supply limit of 200, have your Dark Archons mind control any protoss
unit, and you can do this just as much as you want! To build over the 200
supply limit of the zerg simply have at least 8 drones and a whole lot of minerals.
Next mutate them into a cheap building like a creep colony and rush back
to your Hatchery (Lair or Hive) and find any larvae and mutate it into the unit
that you want and then while it is mutating stop the drones from finishing and
ta-da! Sadly, there is no way to build over the 200 supply limit as Terran. Control the animals When playing as the Protoss and on a level with neutral animals, build a Dark Archon
and research its mind control ability. When you see an animal, you can mind
control it. Once you do, it can be used as a cheap and expendable scout. Disable food and psi requirements To ignore food and psi requirements press ENTER then type "food for thought" and
press ENTER again. Disable level victory To continue playing after achieving victory, press ENTER then type "staying alive"
and press ENTER again. Disable technology tree Press ENTER then type "modify the phase variance" and press ENTER again. This code
lets you ignore prerequisites and build anything you can afford. Fast build mode To build units quicker press ENTER then type "operation cwal" and press ENTER again.
Free technology upgrades To instantly upgrade your technology press ENTER then type "medieval man" and press
ENTER again. Free unit upgrades To instantly upgrade all of your units press ENTER then type "something for nothing"
and press ENTER again. Infinite energy For infinite energy, press ENTER then type "the gathering" and press ENTER again. Instant loss To instantly lose the current level press ENTER then type "game over man" and press
ENTER again. Instant victory To instantly win the current level press ENTER then type "there is no cow level"
and press ENTER again. Invincibility To make all of your units invincible press ENTER then type "power overwhelming" and
press ENTER again. Level Select To choose your level do the following: Enter the game. Press ENTER Type "ophelia" Press ENTER Type the name of the desired level. Press ENTER again. StarCraft level names consist of the race followed by the mission number. eg: terran1, terran2, zerg1, zerg2, protoss1, protoss2, etc. For Brood War levels prefix the name with an 'x'. eg: xprotoss5 Lift the fog To prevent the fog of war from coming back, press ENTER then type "war aint what
it used to be" and press ENTER again. Morphing units to mutalisk First you must evolve the lurker aspect for the hydralisk after that select one unit
of your hydralisk and set it as a team of no 9 on the key , then group the
zerglings on any number from 1 to 8 then select your hydralisk ang press the key
( H + L ) if done correctly the morphing of the lurker will be on hold after
that press the number of your ( grouped zergling + L )if done correctly your zerglings
will transform into larva and press the (ESC) button to make them into
MUTALISK. Receive 10,000 Minerals and Gas For a helpful bonus press ENTER then type "show me the money" and press ENTER again.
Receive 500 Minerals For another perk press ENTER then type "whats mine is mine" and press ENTER again.
Please forgive Blizzard's awful puns. Receive 500 Vespene Gas Low on gas? Press ENTER and type "breathe deep" and press ENTER again. Remember kids,
inhalants are bad so don't try this at home. Reveal Map To reveal the entire map press ENTER then type "black sheep wall" and press ENTER
again. Zerg Theme Song To hear the secret Zerg song, press ENTER then type "radio free zerg" and press ENTER
again. This only works when playing as the Zerg. Starlancer At the main menu, hold [Ctrl] and type potato. M1 will appear in the top left-hand
corner of the screen. Type any number from 01 to 24 to change the mission number,
then hold any one of the following combinations until the ship selection screen
appears to have the indicated ship: Normal selection of ships --- [Ctrl] + [Enter] Tempest --- [Shift] + [F7] Predator --- [Shift] + [F1] Patriot --- [Shift] + [F8] Naginata --- [Shift] + [F2] Wolverine --- [Shift] + [F9] Grendel --- [Shift] + [F3] Reaper --- [Shift] + [F10] Crusader --- [Shift] + [F4] Shroud --- [Shift] + [F11] Coyote --- [Shift] + [F5] Phoenix --- [Shift] + [F12] Mirage IV --- [Shift] + [F6] Submarine Titans Use the following codes after pressing the Enter key during play. See all -- fow5000 corium -- corium All technology -- technologi Full air -- air 1000 metal -- metal5,000 gold, 5,000 corium, 10,000 metal -- exiton 1000 gold -- gold System Shock 2 While playing a game, hold [Shift] and press [;] (semicolon) to display the command
prompt. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate
the corresponding cheat function: add_pool [number] --- Obtain indicated amount of cyber modules ubermensch --- Maximum stats shock_jump_player --- Jump the player look_cursor --- Set cursor into look mode reload_gun --- Reload weapon from inventory show_version --- Display version swap_guns --- Switch primary and secondary weapons cycle_ammo --- Cycle available ammo select_psipower --- Bring up the PSI power selection quickbind --- Bind quick slot open_mfd --- Open up an MFD by overlay constant quicksave --- Save to current subdirectory equip_weapon --- Search and equip weapon from inventory psi_full --- All PSI points cycle_weapon [-1 or 1] --- Cycle equipable weapons split [0 or 1] --- Toggle split cursor psi_power --- Act like the 1-5 level buttons use_obj --- Use object by name stop_email --- Stop current playing email/log quickload --- Load from current subdirectory clear_teleport --- Clear existing teleport marker quickuse --- Activate quick slot interface_use --- Use an item in inventory play_unread_log --- Play unread log frob_toggle --- Switch between modes fire_weapon [0 or 1] --- Fire weapon frob_object --- Simple frob of selected object drag_and_drop [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop drag_and_drop_frob [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop toggle_inv --- Toggle inventory panel toggle_compass --- Toggle compass state query [0 or 1] --- Toggle query cursor toggle_mouse --- Toggle mouselook and cursor modes wpn_setting_toggle --- Toggle between weapon settings msg_history --- Toggle message history frob_object_inv --- Simple frob of selected object, in world or inventory drag_and_drop_mode [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop summon_obj [item name] --- Create object from item list Enter one of the following item names with the summon_obj code: 20 nanites---ap clip---assault rifle---big nanite pile blast turret---brawnboost implant---crystal shard---electro shock emp rifle---fusion cannon---gren launcher---heavy armor ice pick---lab assistant implant---laser pistol---laser turret light armor---medical kit---medium armor---midwife organ monkey brain---nanites---pistol---power cell---psi amp---psi booster recycler---shotgun---slug turret---standard clip---stasis field generator swiftboost implant---timed grenade---toxin grenade---worm launcher Tachyon: The Fringe During gameplay, press 7 on the keypad to display the console. Type im a cheater
to enable cheat mode. Now, enter one of the following codes at the console window
to activate its cheat: God mode --- quickening Full energy --- dilithium All items --- boom stick 5000 more credits --- one million dollars All ships --- ragtag Returning to base to complete mission --- there is no spoon Full ammunition --- come get some Torment Infinite money Go to the Smoldering Corpse bar, then go to Moachi inside the eastern part of the
bar. Keep on telling her about how she is not a dustie and ask for some money.
Repeat this as many times as needed to get 50 gold with each request. Get good spells early Go to the inn (Dorm) at the Sensate place in the clerks ward. Save your game and
try to steal from the lady who gives you a room until you get a key. Go into the
eastern room and search the cabinets on the north wall. There are also several
charms that may come in handy later in the game. Be a Godsman and get the best axe Talk to the Auctioneer outside the market in the lower ward. Perform the tasks he
will ask you to do. The second task will be to deliver a message to a Godsman,
therefore granting you passage to the northern gate (in the lower ward). You will
eventually meet a man in a room surrounded by other people. Ask him about becoming
a Godsman. He will tell you to forge a weapon in the foundry, the first
room you saw when you entered the place. Get the items you need from the clerk
in the southwest part of the room. Ask Thildin, the muscular man, for some ore.
Then, find the only empty barrel and make the weapon of your choice. Report back
to the man that told you how to forge the weapon. Next, there will be a murder.
You only need to know where the people are--you already know where Thildon
is; the man whose name starts with "S" is in the same room as man that told you
how to forge the weapon, and the other is on the balcony just above him. Talk
to Thildon one more time and report back to the man that told you how to forge
the weapon. Just convince the man in the locked quarters to live. Be nice to him.
You will now become a Godsman and have access to the best axe in the game for
5000 GP. Total Annihilation 1-First press ENTER to get the message line. 2-Press + and enter one of the following codes. 3-After entering the code press ENTER to activate the code. To deactivate a code just enter it again +ATM - Gives you 1000 metal and energy. +CDSTART - Starts CD Music. +CONTOUR# - Displays a 3D contour, # = 1-15. +CONTROL# - Lets you to control a different skirmish AI. +DITHER - Dithering instead of line of sight. +DOUBLESHOT - All weapons do twice the damage. +HALFSHOT - All weapons do half the damage. +ILOSE - Causes you to lose. +IWIN - Causes you to win. +NOENERGY - Drops your energy to 0. +NOMETAL - Drops your metal to 0. +NOSHAKE - Stops explosion screen shakes. +NOWISEE - Full map and disables line of sight. +RADAR - 100% radar coverage. +SING - This command makes units "sing" when given orders. +SWITCHALT - Allows you to switch between squads with alt+# keys. +VIEW# - Lets you see how much metal and energy a player has. Below is the first Campaign cheat code: Click on Total Annihilation's Single Player icon. When the Single Player Game page
appears type DRDEATH (it is not case sensitive). This will cause a Cavedog Entertainment
bone to appear between the Load Game and Previous Menu icons on the
right side of the screen. Clicking on the bone will take players to a special
Play Any Game screen where they can play any Total Annihilation mission, even if
they have not earned their way to that level yet Uprising 2: Lead And Destroy Cheat Mode: First display the chat prompt by pressing M . Type one of the codes below and press Enter to activate the following function. Invincibility - chump Unlimited weapons - dangerous Super weapons - tuff ass Unlimited weapons and invincibility - dangerous chump Super speed and invincibility - chump[Enter]chump Money increased by 5000 - way mo money Suicide - slick Win scenario - done Invincibility - yoyo Rainy weather - stormy Clear weather - clearsky Snowy weather - flurry Unreal Tournament Single player cheats Press the tilde ~ to bring down the console. allammo --- Get all ammo killall --- [enter type] Kill all of a type of enemy behindview 0 --- Normal view loaded --- All weapons behindview 1 --- View character from behind playersonly --- Toggle freeze time on/off fly --- Flying open [enter mapname] --- Jump to any map ghost --- No clipping summon [enter item] --- Summon item god --- God mode walk --- Walking iamtheone --- Activate cheat mode You can summon any of these with the summon [enter item] code: Chainsaw WarHeadLauncher DoubleEnforcer UT_FlackCannon Enforcer UT_Eightball Minigun2 UT_BioRifle PulseGun SniperRifle ShockRifle Warcraft 2 Pause The Game, And Enter The Following Codes At The Enter Password Screen DCKMT ---Full Upgrades VRYLTTL --- All Spells and Renewal of Mana with Each Spell Cast NTPRF --- Laser show NSCRN --- Reveal Entire Map HTCHTXNS --- Gain Lumber GLTTRNG --- 10,000 GOLD, 5000 LUMBER AND OIL THRCNBNL --- View Ending TSGDDYTD --- Invincible Units VLDZ --- Gain Oil MKTS --- Fast Bulding and Upgrades YPTFLWRM --- Insant Defeat NVRWNNR --- Continue Playing Insted of Winning NGLS --- Disable Magic Traps NTTCLNS --- Instant Victory Zeus: Master of Olympus Various cheats I don't know why you need to cheat as an Greek god, but here are some codes anyway. While playing the game, hit Ctrl + Alt + C, then type in the codes below for the desired function. Remember, these codes are case-sensitive. 1,000 extra drachmae -- Delian Treasury Beat current scenario in just a few months -- Ambrosia Dairy workers in cheese costumes -- Cheese Puff Hurl down fireballs at target -- Fireballs from Heaven Towers shoot at the cows -- Bovine and Arrows |
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